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2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results for

Proficient Reading:



Distinguished Reading:



Proficient Math:



Distinguished Math:



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For Parents/Guardians

Contact Info

Your family may make changes to your contact information (phone or email) in Infinite Campus via the Parent Portal. To add or remove a person who has your permission to pick up your student, or to make a change of address, please call Lafayette's Guidance Office at (859) 381-3481. Thank you for keeping this important information current! 


All guests must sign in at the front office and wear a visitors tag. Please allow extra time for navigating through our security measures.


Anyone interested in volunteering at Lafayette must register with FCPS.  Please go to FCPS's Volunteering in FCPS page for more information.  

Student Dress Code

Lafayette students must not wear see-through clothing, halter tops, off the shoulder or low cut tops. Top of shoulder, shoulder blades, and back must be covered. Bare midriffs and tank tops are prohibited. Skirts and shorts must be finger-tip or longer in length. Hats, caps, and all other head coverings shall not be worn. Pants must be worn at the waist and undergarments concealed.

  • Students should be prepared to call home or change clothing if necessary.

Electronic Devices

Students may use electronic devices in the hallway and cafeteria. Devices may not be used in classrooms without specific teacher permission at any time or for any reason. Parents/guardians should instruct students to ONLY check messages between classes. Students may not broadcast music, take pictures, or make audio/video recordings at any time. If a device is confiscated for improper use, it may be picked up by the guardian the following day from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. for a first offense. We ask our families to talk with their child about self-control in the use of electronic devices. Do not text your child unless absolutely necessary. Use of the device in the classroom is ALWAYS PROHIBITED unless the teacher gives specific permission.

Closed Campus

Students must remain on campus once they arrive, no matter the time. Students that are dropped off by parents must move directly to campus and stay there. 


Anyone checking a student out of school must be on the approved list and have a photo ID. Student check-ins and check-outs are completed in the main office.


Notes are required for any absence to be excused and must be turned in within three days of returning to school. Failure to do so will result in an unexcused absence. Families are limited to 10 notes per year. Doctor, dentist, and other medical notes are accepted without limit. 


These are prohibited in all forms, as are lighters and matches. Students suspected of smoking or possessing contraband are subject to search, confiscation of the item, and other consequences as appropriate. E-cigs and Vape Pens will be confiscated and disposed.